Friday, March 4, 2011

Video Review

1. For each video, the key concept was plaster, which is a mixture of paste and water and is used when making ceramics and sculpting and for awhile the plaster dries to give the artwork a cement feel. Another key concept is glass blowing which is a technique when using glass for art, it involves enlarging the glass as a balloon by a blow tube.

2. The three videos do compare to the course readings in which they use the same key concepts and instruction on creating sculpting, glass, and ceramics, but the video does give more of a visual example and examples of the artists works than in the readings.

3. My opinion on the films was that all three are very interesting and informative. Learning about the in depth of installation, sculpture, and craft makes one take for granted what does go into everyday things, such as buildings and things that are accessible that make up a society.

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