Sunday, March 27, 2011

My two hands

1. Using my hands for this project was a little difficult at first because I really wanted to capture the hand from real life into the picture, but as I was went on, what I really was more concerned was drawing the things that capture what makes my hands the way they are such as the lines and the form.

2. I select the pencil instead of the charcoal because my hands are of a lighter complextion and since the pencil is a lighter color than the charcoal, the color of the pencil fits the complection of my hand.

3. It was a challenging task drawing with my non-dominant hand because I shook alot so the drawing had some squiggles to it, but with shading the artwork went well.

4. With the first drawing, I had just sketched what my drawing of my hand needed to make it realistic like the lines on my hands and the form. For the final result, the artwork was more smoother.

5. I would use my non-dominant hand again in the future, but not for sketching, but shading in parts of the work.

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