Thursday, April 21, 2011

Time for a Video Review

1. The four films that I have chosen to watch was; (1) "Andy Warhol:Images of an Image" because not only am I an admirer of Andy Warhol's work, but definitely changed the way modern art is created by incorporating pop culture in modern art. (2)"Art of Henry Moore" because of is abstract art work of three dimensional sculpture. (3)"Hockney on Photography" because of his pop art work that show a collage of cubical pieces together to form a figure. Lastly (4)"The power of Art: Rothko" because of the expression shown in his abstract paintings that is similar to cubism.

2. In "Andy Warhol:Images of an Image", the key concept in the film was silkscreen which is a form of printmaking in which the screen is made from silk. In "Art of Henry Moore" the key concept in the film was reclining which means to lean or to have the back of an object tilt down, in this case, Moore's sculptures reclined. In "Hockney on Photography", the key concept in this film was collage which means to form objects together to create an art piece. Lastly, in "The power of Art: Rothko", the key concept in this film was expressionism which is to create art solely on the artist's emotions and feelings.

3. The videos relate to the readings of this course by explaining the history behind the movement of modern art and how it has evolved of centuries.

4. The films were very interesting. It is very fascinating to not only watch each individual artist's work and how it came about, but to also learn about their lives and how it has affected their creation for art. The films add depth to the readings of this course by bringing a more personal look inside the lifestyle of the artist.

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